This practical webinar will help guide you through a variety of processes to aid in the process of observing, as well as the various ways that conducting observations can be more useful and impactful APST 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning Presented by Philip Butler
The ‘I Am New To…’ collection of webinars is designed to assist teachers and educators who are new to the profession. I am new to…observing children's learning focuses our gaze on how to observe children in the most effective manner possible. Observing children is an important part of the early years planning cycle because it requires educators to understand what a useful observation is, how to collect these observations, and how to use these observations for documentation and assessment of children’s learning. Participants in this practical webinar will be guided through a variety of processes to aid in the process of observing, as well as the various ways that conducting observations can be more useful and impactful. So, if you're new to observing or need a refresher, this webinar is for you.
Completing I am new to…observing children’s learning may contribute one-hour of PD that aligns with the NESA (NSW) approved criteria and addresses:
The Australian Professionals Standards for Teachers: APST 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Early Years Learning Framework Learning Outcomes: Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
The National Quality Standard: QA 1: Educational program and practice