Presented by Philip Butler
Travelling to the picturesque town of Reggio Emilia and being immersed in its culture and pedagogy is an experience most early childhood educators aspire to. This brief overview and unpacking of some principles could be your first steps. Many of Reggio Emilia's key concepts are familiar to us…recognising the environment as the third teacher, loose parts, project approach, pedagogical documentation, the image of the child etc. However, while acknowledged internationally as quality practice, it is not simply a case of transplanting these practices into your environment. Like everything, they need to be contextualised to your setting, team, children and families to achieve the best outcomes. We will look at some Reggio Emilia principles, their impact on learning, and some strategies to embed them into your team’s learning culture.
Completing A Novice's Guide to the Reggio Emilia principles and how they relate to the Frameworks may contribute one hour of PD that aligns with the NESA (NSW) criteria for Elective PD and addresses:
The Australian Professionals Standards for Teachers: APST 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Early Years Learning Framework Learning Outcomes: Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
The National Quality Standard: QA 1: Educational program and practice
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