INSPIRE 2025: Early Bird Registrations Now Open

Aboriginal Perspectives and the EYLF – Cultural Curriculum Companionship with Anthony Semann & Dr Red Ruby Scarlet

A 9 part online professional learning community with Anthony Semann, Dr Red Ruby Scarlet and Aboriginal colleagues and mentors


How do you learn from and with Aboriginal early childhood educational experts as a non-Aboriginal educator or teacher? 


Current research undertaken by Aboriginal educators across the profession and across the country is compelling non-Aboriginal educators to allay their fears, be bold and brave and step into embedding Aboriginal perspectives across their curriculum and within their pedagogical practices. The dilemma many non-Aboriginal educators and teachers face is that they done know where to start, they don’t know how to connect with community, and they are unsure about what to do. 


Anthony and Red have lived this experience and in collaboration with long time mentors such as Aunty Denise Proud and Aunty Tracey Linn Bostock. 


In this year long inquiry based professional learning course Anthony and Red will share with you their journey of learning from and with leading Aboriginal early childhood experts and educators who have shaped the profession for decades. They will also share stories from leading educators who have collaborated with local communities and created the most exquisite curriculum. The purpose is to honour those who have taught us and with their blessing pass on not only what we have learned but how we have learned to embed Aboriginal perspectives into our practice over 30 years as non-Aboriginal educators. 


There is not a ‘one size fits all’ Aboriginal perspective. Australia holds at least 250 Aboriginal language groups. Gaining authentic access to a diverse range of Aboriginal perspectives is an important part of how you create authentic cultural curriculum companionship. As non-Aboriginal educators Anthony and Red have had numerous experiences of building respectful relationships with Aboriginal experts and educators to shape and guide their practice. 


This course is specifically designed for non-Aboriginal educators - it does not teach Aboriginal culture because Anthony and Red are not Aboriginal. It does however offer ways to listen, build relationships, become an ally, engage in anti-bias approaches, and create culturally appropriate curriculum by learning from Aboriginal early childhood experts and educators. 


Anthony and Red share their processes of building relationships and curriculum over 30 years as non-Aboriginal educators. 


The structure of the course is as follows:

-       A cultural provocation from an Aboriginal early childhood educational expert, community leader or elder

-       A set of questions to develop deep listening to their knowledge and experience 

-       A critical discussion of the questions

-       A planning process 

-       A strategy for local engagement in your community 



30 April from 10am - 11.30am

28 May from 10am - 11.30am

23 June from 10am - 11.30am

14 July from 10am - 11.30am

11 August from 10am - 11.30am

15 September from 10am - 11.30am

27 October from 10am - 11.30am

17 November from 10am - 11.30am

8 December from 10am - 11.30am


Every registrant for this course will be sent a complimentary copy of Red and Anthony’s new book, the EYLF Playbook. 

Cost $850 plus GST

  • 30 Apr 2025
    9 sessions x 1.5hrs from 10am to 11:30am Apr-Dec 25 (2 x Wed + 7 x Mon)
    Session information
    Session 1
    Wed 30 Apr 10:00 AEST - Wed 30 Apr 11:30 AEST
    Session 2
    Wed 28 May 10:00 AEST - Wed 28 May 11:30 AEST
    Session 3
    Mon 23 Jun 10:00 AEST - Mon 23 Jun 11:30 AEST
    Session 4
    Mon 14 Jul 10:00 AEST - Mon 14 Jul 11:30 AEST
    Session 5
    Mon 11 Aug 10:00 AEST - Mon 11 Aug 11:30 AEST
    Session 6
    Mon 15 Sep 10:00 AEST - Mon 15 Sep 11:30 AEST
    Session 7
    Mon 27 Oct 10:00 AEDT - Mon 27 Oct 11:30 AEDT
    Session 8
    Mon 17 Nov 10:00 AEDT - Mon 17 Nov 11:30 AEDT
    Session 9
    Mon 08 Dec 10:00 AEDT - Mon 08 Dec 11:30 AEDT
    • $850.00 incl. GST
None of these dates work for you? Suggest another date & time
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