Find out how a slow, respectful approach to the arts can help young children thrive post-pandemic, fostering emotional resilience and communication for better mental wellbeing. Presented by Susan Franco
For many of us, the desire to work within the early childhood sector is born from a deep desire to support young children. COVID has impacted our world and our children’s world. As we navigate this post-pandemic landscape how do we support young children to thrive, rather than merely survive?
Through our 'Soulful Art',' we have deliberately and intentionally empowered our pre-schoolers, to engage their hands, hearts, and minds and to support them to make meaning of their world. To further develop emotional resilience and support children to communicate their feelings as a solid foundation for mental wellbeing.
This webinar will share with you how a slow and respectful approach to the arts can help to honour and validate children’s feelings and thinking.
Completing Soulful Art: the courage to listen to children may contribute one hour of PD that aligns with the NESA (NSW) criteria for Elective PD and addresses:
The Australian Professionals Standards for Teachers: APST 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Early Years Learning Framework Learning Outcomes: Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators
The National Quality Standard: QA 5: Relationships with children
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